May, June 2013

May 24th, 2013 by

1. Manned Space Flight, U.S. Style

Incredible that reportedly the U.S. is now paying Russia over $70 million per astronaut launched for us to the International Space Station, and that’s over /$490/ million for the next seven this year. That’s real U.S. cash, our money. Congress cut funding for our own vehicle, so we are dependent on other nations. Shout out to Congress and the President, “Do something, give the U.S. our own space access again, and now!”

2. N.Y. Museums, What a Treasure

Recent negative commentaries on the Metropolitan Museum Of Art and the 9-11 Museum for charging admission are misplaced. MMA is voluntary and I would prefer that the 9-11 would make it voluntary as well. Fact is, NY is fortunate to have world-class museums, and to also have dreamers who knew New York commands excellence. The $$ are needed to support the institutions, so stop complaining, and be part of those who work hard to make it happen.

3. GUNS, It’s Not Just Legislation

Let’s just accept, for a moment, that we may not get the gun legislation we want, and yet we must do something. Legislation and regulation are not the only way. We can bring change through transforming values of our society. I have noticed that today’s hip art has guns, video games have guns, and our top money-making movies are gun thrillers. That’s absurd. So, let’s shift today’s thinking! Let’s make it not cool to have a gun!

4. The Economic Divide

in the past few years, where wealth has increased dramatically among the wealthy, too many in nearby neighborhoods are struggling to make their minimal budget needs. This limits their life possibilities, and most particularly their children’s. And it’s not about taxing and government programs, we can do much more in the private sector. Be aware, look around, and personally lift up a child or family. Inexcusable if you can, and don’t, and a gift, a mitzvah, if you do. Start today!

5. Upbeat, and You Can Do It

You can make a difference in the life, and moment, of Everyone you touch. Be responsible for it, and make it upbeat. People actually have a choice of making others happy, or miserable, and somehow too many decide it serves them to choose miserable. Let’s shift the world now, and every time you have that choice, shout out for joy and wonderment, and see the brightest world around you, and as it spreads, that brightest of worlds surrounding all of us.

6. Technology, Adopt It

For many of us, technology is a learning curve and not intuitive, and we resist it. The world shift we are living through is exciting, not without risks, and yet as we see the possibility of communicating with even the remotest villages, and have new opportunities for achievement, sometimes instantly, where no hope existed before, this is a new and extraordinary age. Be part of it, and for all those who are the intuitive crowd, reach out to encourage others who are just entering, yet have not yet arrived.

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