November-December, 2014

December 30th, 2014 by

This recent election was so significant, I am devoting all this month’s items to my reaction to it, as we move towards the most important 2016 Election Cycle.

  1. As a Country, We Can Do Better

I am not particularly different than so many other Americans, I have no doubt that we can do better as a country, and I turn to our elected officials to meet the challenge in this next two years.  They are there to govern and legislate, not just raise money and win for themselves and their party, and serve special interests.  I did my fair share of supporting Democratic national candidates in the 2014 Election Cycle, and I am disappointed and angry.

  1. Time to Have Term Limits in Congress

Too many in Washington DC now just go with the flow.  It’s more of a monotone in the Democratic Party, one voice led by consultant’s opinion polls rather than a newly energized team making a difference for America.  Term limits would help, and I call for them now, and I would recommend twelve years for both the House and the Senate. In 2016, I would like to see this implemented voluntarily if not passed, or by challenge of all those having served more than twelve years.

  1. The Democratic Party Must Be New Again

To the largest degree, President Obama’s policies have been rejected by America, and that’s clear from this election.  The Democrats looking to 2016 must develop a new optimism for America, not just based on equity and helping the poor, but also a grand message of lifting everyone to be a participant in this amazing experiment called America.  The economy has made quite an amazing recovery, and yet has left too many hard-working people behind.

  1. I’ve Been a Clinton Person, But….

For the good of the Democratic Party and the country, we need to have fresh, new visions for America.  I have been a Clinton person since 1991, and supporting the President in his ’92 and ’96 runs, as well as supporting Hillary in ’08.  I still fully admire Hillary, and do not think it best for the Party nor America that our new policies be just her new policies.  I would suggest we launch National Party Debates/Forums of new Democratic leaders for 2016 and beyond, whether candidates for President or not.  We need to hear those new voices for a New America.

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